spot·light noun \ˈspät-ˌlīt\ : a projected spot of light used to illuminate brilliantly a person, object, or group on a stage
- Did someone say Drum and Bass and T.Power in the same sentence?
Spread the word and you can download T.Power's latest Drum and Bass track from the MUSiC4LiF3 album for FREE - "Just Like An Angel" - Glitch Hop anyone?
Archie Cooper's Capricious Heart Mix of "Just Like An Angel" is nothing short of...well, fantastic. - Vaudeville meets microtonal Drum and Bass?
Check out T.Power's new Remix for Studio Rockers - "JazZstePpa" Featuring Jessi Lee Burn - I-doser
- South Rakkas Mixdowns for the following artists: RDX, Mercci and Ryo
- "Gangsta Revival Remix" Mixdown for Mat the Alien
- Glitch-House Remix of South Rakkas and RDX track "Go Hard or Go Home"
- FREE download of new T.Power's Drum and Bass track "Just Like An Angel" made available on SoundCloud
- Upcoming Article in DJ Mag by Carl Loben:
"Game Changers - Seminal Tracks That Altered Dance Forever:
Shake Ur Body" by Shy FX and T.Power - More Drum and Bass anyone? "BLCK BRD", the follow-up to T.Power's track "Just Like An Angel", will be available shortly
- A Drum and Bass Remix for Archie Cooper's "Mercy" track will begin this week. Watch for it!